To best serve my clients, I foster a connection based on a few cultural principles:


I don’t have the answers to your problems. But I do have the questions that will guide you to the answers you seek. Together we can hone a sense of curiosity that engenders empathy for and understanding of your coworkers, customers, and self.


In general, our initial ideas are rarely totally accurate. However, we can step towards the truth by designing experiments that yield measurable results, and use that information to test even more relevant hypotheses. This scientific approach allows us to take more shots with less cost and higher potential gain.


I want you to see me as an educator. I have a wide range of skills that we might employ to serve your needs, but I will feel most successful if I can teach you the relevant skills so that you will be able to serve yourself. This approach allows me to address your other interesting problems and promotes your long term self-sufficiency.


We honor ourselves and our neighbors when we are truthful in our words and respectful in our actions. Truth grounds us in a common reality that allows us to form stable connections; and respect facilitates relationships that take advantage of our differences. When we hold honor to be sacred, we are focused on our goals and confident in our journey.


Ultimately, we should be having a good time. While business is work and requires focus and discipline, it is inseparable from our experience of life. I am convinced that joy and satisfaction in our labor promotes an effective and efficient team.

If these cultural values resonate with you and you think we could have a fruitful collaboration, I would love to hear from you.