I established Caliper & Crayon to help technical teams tell their own story.

Telling your story is essential to connecting to your peers and audience. I've had the pleasure and honor to work on academic and professional teams in science and engineering fields. While the teams usually worked very well, I noticed incidents that slowed progress, disrupted research, or upset stakeholders. These incidents were often caused by a poorly-told story: a professor irritated by a graph missing labels; employees dispirited by vague messaging from executives; and technicians' time wasted from unclear instructions.

Stories—especially technical ones—are often told poorly because after completing challenging work, crafting the communication around it feels like an extra step, rather than an essential one. But neglecting that extra step results in the loss value from the work itself.

For examples on how I might be able to help you tell your story, please check out my services.

Because I see the telling of stories requiring a mix a technical and creative skills, I've included some ways I've used these skills below.


Calipers represent my technical side. These pages highlight my scientific & engineering work.

Origin Labs, Inc.
University of Illinois
Arizona State University


Crayons represent my creative side. These pages show off  work that's more artistic and playful.



Caliper & Crayon is a dynamic duo led by myself, Stephen James, and my supporting staff member.

SJ and Hubert